November 21, 2023
10 minutes

Discover Your Design Superpower

Mark Davis speaking at Design Live Korea
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The following is a presentation at Autodesk "Design Live", an international venue  to engage with our international  design customers in Korea. In this conversation, I began with a question…."Have you ever wondered what it might be like to have a super-power? " Since this is design night, how about a design superpower?   You may have noticed, I didn’t say super-hero”, I am a designer, too. And for me, the art of practicing design brings out the best of what makes us human.

In fostering a more powerful relationship between humans and machines, we want to amplify what human designers do best: imagine, bring dreams into reality, pass down stories and share experiences. So, let's explore together how we might activate our own “design superpower”.

The opportunity to work on a truly unique product is every designer’s dream. New technologies can certainly provide the occasion to do just that. In this conversation, we explore how people and computers can impactfully co-create with generative design.

Autodesk’s mission is to help our customers imagine, design, and make a better world. For our part, we want to help you all do more, with less negative impact on the world. In Research, our role is to help imagine a desired future state, one that’s better for our customers. So today, as we think about developing your own design superpower, I want you to ask yourself:

Today, I want to share with you our point of view on harnessing new technologies to bring out human capabilities perhaps you didn't even know you had ….AND share with you our experience working with renowned French designer Philippe Starck to invent a new revolutionary design process resulting in the world's first commercial chair, designed with AI and generative design. We will also show you how this design resulted in a better outcome for the planet, using recycled waste materials.

To unleash your own "design superpower", watch my presentation to product design professionals in Korea:

Watch the video!